Wedding photography by PixelsPune

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It is a type of photography that focuses on the photographic documenting of various events and activities related to the wedding of a couple.

It may also comprise other types of portrait photography of the couple, a few months prior to the official wedding day, such as the engagement session.

On the wedding day, the photographer captures portraits as well as documentary photography to document all the various events and rituals of the wedding day.

Wedding photography is just not for the business side of it, as the common multitude finds it as a great way to make some fast cash with little or no experience. However, it has an artistic side to it too, or even an emotional side, as there are wedding photographers who do it just not to earn their bread, but as they share an intense passion for capturing human emotions and love the work they do. This aptly reverberates in the passion and quality shown by a photography organization called Pixel Pune in Maharashtra. The passion and hard work they lay down are readily seen in the work they portray.

The Process of Wedding Photography

 Process of Wedding Photography

A great wedding photographer will make sure that when he is under pressure he’ll still be able to stay calm, work efficiently. About five to six weeks prior to the wedding, an online wedding day worksheet is been sent to the client. This worksheet is very important, not only for the clients but also for the photographer. Once the photographer receives back the wedding day worksheet back, the planning mode begins.

This worksheet will dictate a lot about how each day will run during the wedding. The worksheet includes:

1)The date of the wedding drafted by the client and the contact details of major individuals during the wedding day: brides, grooms, emergency contacts are been provided.

2)The location where the wedding couple will be individually getting ready, the place of the ceremony, and the reception.

3)The formal list of the family is provided as it contains all the posed family group pictures that will be taken on the wedding day. This helps both the wedding couple and the wedding photographer to stay organized.

What is the need of professional photographer in wedding photography?

A professional wedding photographer has the experience of a number of weddings beforehand, they will know when the shots need to be taken, and they can be left to get on with their job so that the couple can enjoy their wedding day.

The following points will emphasize the necessity of a professional photographer in wedding photography:-

Knowledge of equipment of Camera

Knowledge of equipment

These days anyone can easily purchase a DSLR but only those experienced professionals unlock its real potential. A person hires a professional wedding photographer because of the skill set they possess and most importantly because of the equipment they use. Your novice friend might have a nice SLR with a zoom lens, but usually, they will be held back by not having a variety of lenses and also not having the professional calibre. The type of equipment one uses is just as important as is the person behind the camera. You will require not only to possess a good camera but also a firm grip in the use of its equipment.

The Role of the Photographer

Another reason to hire a professional wedding photographer and not let your novice friend is less distraction. A friend will also want to celebrate along with everyone else and enjoy the moment. This might lead to shots being missed because they will be celebrating with other friends they have not seen in a while, or because they are too busy filling in the hunger pangs or dancing to the beats. Another important point will be your friend might be taken casually by the guests, as they will be least bothered by someone amateur. However, when a professional is present he’ll be revered and will be let to do his work diligently. That’s why PixelsPune is referred to greatly due to its professional approach they portray in wedding photography.

Style and Communication

Bring a professional whose style compliments yours and who will capture the type of pictures you want. If an amateur photographer was asked what kind of style you wanted they are most likely not going to understand the difference between modern, still life, portrait, fine art, photojournalist, or candid pictures. They will most likely not be able to understand the depth of photography, a professional will. A professional will know how to communicate with people present at the wedding party and where they need to be and when they need to be there without creating any commotion.

Trends in Wedding Photography

Memory Lane

This is a great way of being comfortable with the photographer and also getting used to being in front of the camera. The couple is taken to one of their favourite locations, a place that is special to them which carries meaning, their first date, the place they first met, and get some pictures of them being affectionate.

Vintage weddings

It has popularized in recent years, following the trend for the styling of vintage as well as home decor. There is a great uprise in photographers who have to seek this line of photography in recent times.


So black and white isn’t a trend which has popularized now, obviously, there was a time when you could only have black and white images. The pictures always look beautiful and look as if time has paused for eternity. An all black and white wedding might not please everyone but certainly is a trend which is coming back.

Holi Powder

Holi Powder Photography

For some brides, a trash-the-dress photo session is a great opportunity for some dramatic images. Holi powder is a colourful powerhouse that will stain, so couples sought out those dresses which they’re not going to wear again.

Underwater Shots

Underwater photography has popularized the masses with the advent of waterproof cameras that are able to capture beautiful images. Couple nowadays opt for underwater trash-the-dress in a pool, also it is a beautiful way to start a tropical destination wedding.

What will the future of wedding photography be?

It would be optimistic to assume that once this is all over everything will simply go back to the way things were before. That one day this will all be over and it will be as if coronavirus never existed. The question here is what will wedding photography look like in the days to come? Will it be the same large gatherings or will it comprise the smaller mass of people.

The downside is that this pandemic has affected the economy on a global scale. Currently, wedding photographers are deeply affected by the situation financially and mentally, and even though some might receive financial assistance from the government it is very likely others might not survive the harsh times.

Since weddings are a very important part of our society and culture, so it is unlikely this pandemic will make the whole industry disappear overnight. Thus, the challenge of wedding photography lays in front, now it’ll be up to the client and the supplier how they cope up with changes.

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