The rising star Bhagyashree Mote will likely be the most functioning Diva on social media platforms. The actor gained her popularity from her first Hindi TV serial ‘Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev’ released on Life Ok. Then Popular Marathi TV serial ‘Devyani’ led by the ‘Siya ke Ram’ Hindi TV serial on Star Plus, and then she never turned back. The talented actor didn’t limit herself due to language barriers. She has been already seen in a Telugu film called ‘Chikati Gadilo Chithakotudu’ (2019), with the Co-stars like Raghu Babu and Nikki Tamboli. Her filmography includes more than 7 films, 6 television shows and a professional play on Wikipedia.
In the pandemic, the young actor took good care of her fan’s entertainment and shared dozens of pictures and videos on her Instagram. Her social media followers are grown during the lockdown as she is killing it with the hot photoshoots in recent time.
Latterly, she has dropped a couple of sizzling hot pictures wearing a casual solid white shirt toned with the hot white short having pastel green abstract design on it. With the matching lids, big earrings and chappals, Bhagyashree has nailed the Perfect Summer Look in this photoshoot. The overall blue tone goes perfectly with the hill and lake-water backdrops.
In another shoot, by PixelsPune’s Devendra Kulkarniulkarni, the actor is raising the temperature with a hot purple solid crop top complimenting with a faded and shredded blue denim hot short. The makeup and hair by Lakshmi Chaudhari, in this stunning shoot, it’s adding up the overall sultry impact. Fans showered the rain of likes and comments on these photo posts.
In a corresponding shoot, Bhagyashree is sporting a solid black crop top along with medium blue shredded jeans. Highlighted hair and a modern watch is making her a gorgeous diva. Confidence is flowing through her eyes as she is flaunting her toned body is the classic blacktop.
All the photoshoots were managed by PixelsPune and the outputs are marvellous as always.
Bhagyashree belongs to a normal, non-filmy background family. She has made her way alone. She started her career as an actor at the 18 with the college plays and started auditioning for various projects. She is going to complete around 10 years in an industry with 15 plus mainstream projects in her profile. With the exploration of the various roles, she is working more and more hard, giving her body some healthier goals and giving her acting skills more challenges. Undoubtedly her future looks very bright.
The ‘Patil’ girl is recently working on multiple projects including ‘Ekdum Kadak’ with the new young cast having Parth Bhalerao, Sairat boys Tanaji Galgunde and Arbaj Shaikh in it. The team looks very promising. The film will release post lockdown.
Moreover, Bhagyashree is achieving new heights in her career as she is planning to debut in the Bollywood industry with Hardik Gajjar’s “Ravan – Leela”. A social drama is in discussion before release, cause of ‘Scam 1992’ fame Pan India Star Pratik Gandhi.
The Lacs of fan following is waiting to see her in various projects and different roles along with a lot of social media updates and photoshoots. Hope we’ll be able to see her innocent smile on the big screen, post-pandemic, as soon as the theatres open.
Photography – Devendra Kulkarniulkarni – PixelsPune
Makeup/Hair: Lakshmi Chaudhari